___Kim Høltermand___

I came across Kim’s work a while back but I have only just found an online portfolio and it reminded me why I loved his work so much and used it a lot in trend research. Kim is a freelance architectural and landscape photographer from Denmark (a lot of the photography and design I like seems to come from there and Sweden).


Kim’s work does seem to follow a certain cool and static trend. Even his natural photographs have captured the harshness of the natural world this gives the elusion of a man made environment. By far the most impressive part of his work is how he captures the warmth and deep feeling within the things he is shooting and the visual contrast from the cold shapes to warm but chilling colours.


The Photographs I have pulled out are favourites of mine purely due to them having that little more colour even if they still have heavy sepia overtones.


Kim Høltermand can be found at: Sadly he does not seem to have site anymore but goggle will bring up some interesting stuff.